Saturday, July 15, 2006

So it's my birthday....

Yes it was.. or is... this time zone thing makes my head hurt. See it's no longer my birthday here in Australia, but technically since I was born in the other side of the world, it still is, so... Happy Birthday to me :)
Anyway.. the wonderful Ms. and the mighty Rob gave me a kickass Nintendo DS Lite for my B-day with a copy of New Super Mario Bros. After scolding them both for spending that much money on my birthday gifts (seriously, don't do it again), I then decided to spend some more and get me a copy of Brain Age.

I'm saddened to report that I have a brain age of 44... I'm an old man... I'll keep you updated...

Oh yeah, for those of you who wish to know, we went to a wonderful japanese restaurant and then played some pool :)