Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yahoo Time capsule..

"You and what matters to you. Preserved for eternity"
Leave your mark, whether it's a picture, a video, a comment, a list of things you love or you hate, a letter to your kids or to your long lost love. Anything. Be remembered. Be part of it.
Do I need to say more? Just read everything about it here.
Will anyone see it a hundred years from now? I don't now. I want to think that yeah, someone will take the time to read everything, to learn about the past. And perhaps they'll look at our stuff, our thoughts and see that we no matter the time they live in, no matter the place, we all care about the same stuff. We all share the same dreams, the same fears. We all crave for love and hope for better days. And most of all, we all want to make a difference. We all want to be remembered.

So hurry up. You only have 21 days to contribute. See you areound, sinners.