Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Something for the pain, something for the blues.

After my beautiful eyes sadly watched those awful images of the upcoming movie Fantastic Four, I decided to make my life a little less miserable. The cure today?? RUSH!!! Yeah, I'm in a Rush mode, I've been watching Rush in Rio for the last couple of days and I took out a couple of my old cds.. And ladies and gentlemen in case you don't know or you have forgotten...Neil Peart is a GOD. No only the way he plays drums it's impressive, but the way his lyrics reach to the bottom of your sour heart. This are the lines I picked for you filthy sinners to read today :

If the future's looking dark
We're the ones who have to shine
If there's no one in control
We're the ones who draw the line
Though we live in trying times-
We're the ones who have to try
Though we know that time has wings
We're the ones who have to fly

Rush - Everyday glory

So fly sinners! At least fly as far away as possible from stupidity...hey...wait..no! Don't leave my blog! It's a nice place..I know it's stupid..but... *sigh* I guess it's me again, along Omnipotent Puedquito and Mighty Pulgoso..Alone again. Naturally.