Sunday, June 24, 2007
The end is near!

Sometimes, when you least expect it, a good show turns brilliant. I just finished watching Doctor Who, "the sound of drums". It was really cool. Filled with energy, magic, good performances, and cute guys. Just think about it; John Simm, David Tennant and John Barrowman in the same room?
There IS a God up there!
We still have one more episode 'till this season ends, and by the way things are going, it looks like it's going to be pretty spectacular. For the last two episodes since Jack and the Master came back I've been really enjoying the dialogues about Gallifrey, Torchwood, Rose, the battle of Canary Wharf, the Last Great War and all those little details that make us geeks happy and make us suffer and curse the heavens every time each episode ends. Bless Russell T. Davies for this season finale.
As Life on Mars DI Sam Tyler would wisely point out, it's all in the details.
Anyway, one more week 'till the end of the world! Have fun 'till then, my dear sinners =)
Labels: Doctor Who, John Simm, Sound of drums
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