Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ms. Mysterious reporting back to earth.

Bad, lazy, lazy Ms. Mysterious. What can I say? I'm taking my time to analyze my current situation. A lonely woman in a new world... What can a girl do but drown her sorrows in Mexican candies and American TV shows? Oh, it feels almost like home.
Things are going better I think. Or at least I'm lying myself about it. It's possible I finally lost my mind.... Or maybe I just don't want to be stressed anymore.
There's not much you can do in life besides planning and stressing because things don't turn out as you expected. Most of the time, you just have to sit back, and enjoy the ride. Something is bound to happen eventually.
Yeah, give a big applause to wise Ms. Mysterious. I know you all love me. Now go on. Keep on doing what your doing. I'll go to bed if you don't mind. Yeah, I promise I won't write anything else tonight.
