Sunday, February 20, 2005

Power for the people! (That means you, sinners)

Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen! And on internet you can get it for FREE!!!! Have I told you how much I love it? So much information (and disinformation) at the tip of your hands. We get to be IN the world without really being part of it. Yes, Numbtown blows, just come and live here for a couple of years and you'll get my point.
This whole ranting comes from my infatuation with Comedy Central's The Daily show, with Jon Stewart, my current GOD. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, The Daily Show tells the news of the day (hence "daily") and transforms them into something interesting and amusing that you really care to hear. Let's face it, who likes to watch regular news? We watch them, but we're bored to death. Stewart and his team give their unique perspective about the current world affairs and make intelligent and funny statements that will put a smile on your face.
So, why am I talking about this?Well, I woke up this morning and as I was surfing the net, I couldn't help myself and I watched for the sixth time Jon Stewart's appearance clip on the now canceled (thanks to Stewart) CNN debate show Crossfire. I know, I know. This is old news but I can't help it. It's fun to watch. This is a guy that takes his job seriously and that tries to be as honest as possible, even on National TV, and THAT'S always refreshing. It's good to know there are still reporters, people with power to reach the masses that care to give supported facts and true and honest opinions.

Hell, just watch the damn show! You won't regret it. In the meantime, you can watch over and over again Stewart kicking some serious CNN butt:

And remember! Knowledge is power, sinners!